To promote and grow our member owned business while responding to the needs of membership, staff and the community.
Fredericton Direct Charge Co-op is a consumer co-operative, governed by a twelve-person board of directors elected by our members. The role of the Board is to represent the interests of the Co-op’s 9,500 members, ensure that the Co-op carries out its mission, safeguard the financial interests of the Co-op and act in the best interest of the community.
Board elections are held each January, and all of Fredericton Co-op’s members in good standing are eligible to be nominated for election AND to vote for their representatives on the Board of Directors. The Board meets monthly to discuss matters relating to the affairs and business of the Co-op. This includes forward planning, setting policy, reviewing financial statements, membership applications and community involvement.
The Board operates the following committees: Member Relations, Environment, Finance, Daycare and Property Development
The Board of Directors encourages all members to make their thoughts known on any subject either about your Co-op or Co-operatives in general. You can reach us by leaving your name and number at the service desk, by clicking here: Contact us or by dropping a comment sheet into any suggestion box in the store. You could also become a member of the Board Committees (Environment, Member and Public Relations or Property Management Committees all welcome your participation). If you would like to join one of these three committees, please leave your name, Co-op number and phone number at the service desk and staff will pass your interest along to the appropriate chairperson.
Following is the list of Directors as a result of the AGM
President: Dan Coleman
Vice President: Gary Von Richter
Secretary: Jacqueline Alain
Treasurer: Trevor Gonnason
Directors: Jody Flanagan, Carl Duivenvoorden, Beth Ashton, John Denning, Rob MacLeod, Terry Bentley, Kory Arseneau, Veronica McGinn